Practice makes perfect, and I have a lot of practice.
Revise, revise, revise
One religious text I subscribe to is On Writing by Stephen King, in which he states “To write is human. To edit is divine.” Overseeing the development of a piece— from first draft to last— is to purify our forms of self-expression. Few feelings match seeing a work dramatically improve after a few rounds of feedback or editing.
My time first as associate editor and later as editor-in-chief of the Boston Political Review taught me much about the sanctity of the editorial process. I created a BPR Style Guide, including a step-by-step list of our editorial process, to create high uniform standards for our articles and smoothen the lifecycle of an article from idea to publication. Over 300 articles crossed my desk in those fast-paced and exciting two years. To appreciate editing, though, one must still appreciate the foundation of writing. You can read more about my journalism experience here.
As an undergraduate at Boston University, I was lucky to be recognized for some of my academic papers. In May 2021, the Romance Studies Department issued me the Romance Studies Book Award for my paper titled “La constelación perdida de las estrellas aztecas” written as the final project for my level-500 Spanish American Literature class. Muchas gracias to Professor Colmenares for supporting my project and finding meaning in a body of work written in my second language.
For my Intro to Latin American Politics class in the fall of my senior year, I wrote a paper titled “Where Did It Go Wrong? Mercosur’s Path from Success to Slump.” My professor gave me an 88 and told me it had room for improvement. Back in the drawing room I revised and added more to this paper which I thought had a lot of potential. This potential was realized in the spring, when I had the opportunity to present it at the 2022 Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference and the 2022 International Association of Political Science Students (IAPSS) Conference on student panels discussing international issues. Let me tell you, meeting so many brilliant students with creative solutions to the world’s problems blew me away—and even gave me hope that maybe there is a chance for us!
I also edited papers for friends and other students while in college, including thesis papers, transfer applications, law school applications, and more.
So if you’re looking for an experienced editor, I think I know a guy.
Cool Story
I’ll be honest, this is probably the least cool thing I do on here. But hey all work is good work!